You may have picked up on the blog that I wrote on the 7th November about the plans to construct electricity pylons across the Somerset levels linking the Hinkley Point C Power Station and Avonmouth.
It is becoming apparent that there is more than the usual amount of fluffing of local feathers about this plan, and the objectors include some well heeled celebrities in a lane that is known as millionaire's row.

The millionaire's row in question is Cadbury Camp Lane in Clapton-in-Gordano, home to luminaries such as TV presenter Carol Voderman, and show biz agent John Miles. There is currently a line of pylons passing over the area, but the voltage carried is at the lesser figure of 132,000.
The new line will come over Tickenham Ridge, along Cuckoo Lane and over Cadbury Camp Lane and Caswell Lane before heading out over towards Portbury.
The new power line will replace the existing one which currently crosses Cadbury Camp Lane – where the average property costs around £2 million. Residents on the lane have already held a series of meetings and are currently putting together a fighting fund and drawing up a battle plan.
Mr Miles, who is helping to lead the campaign, said: "When we bought our properties we knew there was a 132,000 volt line and we accepted that.
"But what we don't accept is the need to replace this with a 400,000 volt, much larger line which we believe should be put underground.
"There are 44 houses along Cadbury Camp Lane and none of us want to have to pass under this much higher voltage cable which will just be metres above us each day.
"It has been proven that these electricity cables pose health risks and we do not want this over our heads or those of our children."
Mr Miles added: "National Grid has said itself it would cost just an additional £1 on people's bills to put this line underground.
"I am sure that everyone in this area would agree to have a little more on their energy bills to get this line underground. This is not just about fighting for the residents of Cadbury Camp Lane, but everyone affected by this new power line.
"But if National Grid thinks we are just a small group of people it can ride roughshod over, it is very much mistaken."
All parties appear to agree that the line is needed to bring the electricity into the power network, and certainly it seems possible that many sensitive areas will receive protection via underground cables. But National Grid have said that putting the whole route underground was not practical due to the costs.
People have until December 18 to make comments on the draft route.
National Grid will then consult on more detailed proposals before making a formal application for consent to construct the connection.
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